Sunday, December 4, 2016

Story Behind My Name

The story behind my name. I always wonder more about my name. What it means, why my parents chose it, does it even seem like a name I should be called. I think about my name so much probably because I'm just not used to it just yet. My name, Kailah, means who is like god. In my culture/religion, no one could be like god. But to me, others can be a way god expects us to be.  I love my name because I like how it isn't really a name used. Often if people do have my name it's spelled like "Kayla". My name is total different. I also love it because it sounds beautiful, unique, and unoriginal all at the same time. My parents named me Kailah because they ugh it was a pretty name. I guy at my Mom's job has a daughter that is Kayla and when my mom was looking for names she liked it even though the mans daughter was a little rambunctious. My parents also picked it because they named my sister Kenedy and they wanted my name to start with a "K" like hers. They didn't like the other K names except for Kayla and spelled it differently.

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